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No more MS help for Windows 7 & 8 users.

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by retiredlearner, 2018/06/14.

  1. 2018/06/14

    retiredlearner SuperGeek WindowsBBS Team Member Thread Starter

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  2. 2018/06/14

    felicityblue Well-Known Member

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    I think it will not be a good news to Win 7 and 8 users since forums can help a lot with other inquiries and issues they've been encountering.

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  4. 2018/06/15
    Evan Omo

    Evan Omo Computer Support Technician Staff

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    Well this is Microsoft, what else do you expect? They are doing whatever they can to try and move everyone over to Windows 10 and if that means not providing support for their own older still supported products then that's fine for them. This forum is way better than the Microsoft forums anyway as many of the responses I've seen on their forums aren't even helpful to many of the user's asking questions.

    Microsoft was using the Get Windows 10 Campaign for upgrading existing user's to Windows 7 and Windows 8 which became way to aggressive for a simple notification, then they went out of their way to soft block user's with Intel Kaby Lake and AMD Ryzen CPU's on Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 from using Windows Update but luckily you can still get around that restriction Bypass the "unsupported hardware" barrier of Windows Update.

    I understand that Microsoft wants user's to upgrade to Windows 10 but using these shady and bullying tactics to force user's to upgrade is not the correct approach and lowers the companies reputation. I think Windows 10 is a good Operating System but that doesn't give Microsoft a free pass to try and force user's to upgrade to a newer Operating System if they are not ready yet. If you are still using completely unsupported versions of Windows such as Windows Vista and Windows XP yes by all means you should upgrade to a newer Operating System, but if user's are still happy with Windows 7 and want to run that OS on modern hardware (I'm one of those people) then I should have the right to do that without having to use a Windows Update hack to get around an artificial restriction.

    Their decision for not having Microsoft employees help with Windows 7 or Windows 8 issues on their forums in understandable. However, I feel like they should be focusing on creating new features and showing us why Windows 10 is a better Operating System instead of being so aggressive with telling Windows 7 and Windows 8 user's to upgrade for no major reason currently other than the security reason.
    Christer likes this.

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