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Hard drive not recognizing full capability

Discussion in 'Legacy Windows' started by Lis171, 2003/05/11.

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  1. 2003/05/14
    BillyBob Lifetime Subscription

    BillyBob Inactive

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    It looks like your are trying to fix this from Windows.

    I believe that patch is only to make 98SE FDISK see and format correctly the larger drives. And FDISK only works on the HD itself on the DOS side.

    And if is not done properly ( which several of us suspect ) NOTHING will work right. DOS or Windows.
  2. 2003/05/14

    Lis171 Inactive Thread Starter

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    So when I restart my computer, I can use the pause/break key to stop the screen at any point to read what it says? The majority of my startup is a huge Dell Screen..:( If I pause, will hitting pause/break again "unpause" it and let it continue loading?

    Something else I am doing now. I right clicked on my D drive on the desktop and clicked format(full). It's doing it now, is that ok? I don't mind all of the files being erased because they are just a few folders I wanted to save in the case of a crash from my C drive..which I can put right back on when this format finishes.

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  4. 2003/05/14
    BillyBob Lifetime Subscription

    BillyBob Inactive

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    It's doing it now, is that ok?

    Time will tell. But it may only format the 1st 7+ gig if that is all that has been set up.

    Also something else that may or may not have an effect here.

    I have seen something somewhere about the HD partitons needing a LABEL ( name )

    Maybe something like DSK2PRT1. Which translates to Hard Disk 2 Partition 1.

    And if you do name them keep them 8 charactors or less.

    will hitting pause/break again "unpause" it and let it continue loading?

    It should. but on my machine the World Famous but not labeled ANY key will work to let it continue.


    You mentioned the different reading in different places.

    How about FOUR ( 4 ) different reading.

    PM ( Partition Magic )

    And it ALL went right back to the fact that I ( BillyBob ) had not set the BIOS properly.

    Last edited: 2003/05/14
  5. 2003/05/14

    Lis171 Inactive Thread Starter

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    Ok..I rebooted, and after the Dell Screen disappeared and the first screen came up that info on it, I hit the pause key. This is exactly what it said:

    D0 WDC WD204BA LBA 19470MB Ultra DM4
    D1 Maxtor 6L080J04 LBA 10809MB Ultra DM4
    D2 Not detected
    D3 Not Detected

    IDE Master Bus enabled

    Can anyone get anything from this?

    Also, My D drive is now empty and fully formatted *well 7.82GB's of it LOL*. So..whatever we need to do, we can do on a clean drive *I hope* lol
    Last edited: 2003/05/14
  6. 2003/05/14
    BillyBob Lifetime Subscription

    BillyBob Inactive

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    D0 WDC WD204BA LBA 19470MB Ultra DM4
    D1 Maxtor 6L080J04 LBA 10809MB Ultra DM4

    Unless I am wrong ( which I could be ) there is the problem.

    The 1st ( D0 ) is seeing the full drive.

    The 2nd ( D1 ) is not. Notice that it is smaller than the 1st.

    Only 10809MB. That is ( I think ) why Windows is only seeing 7+gig )

    Nothing you do in Windows will fix this. It has nothing to do with Windows.

    Deloris had the right idea. Get it in as the only Master Drive and work with things untill DOS ( BIOS ) reads it right.

    Last edited: 2003/05/14
  7. 2003/05/14

    Lis171 Inactive Thread Starter

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    I would have to get someone to do that for me..as I do not know my way around the insides :eek: Do you think that the software that came with the drive would change anything? *I first have to find out exactly what it is, though*
  8. 2003/05/14
    BillyBob Lifetime Subscription

    BillyBob Inactive

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    It should. But you are dealing with a machine that is not familiar to me at all.

    Also you are using a Maxtor drive which I have not used for quite some time.

    I agree to finding out what it is first. And no matter what it is, if it is not used correctly it is of no use at all. Or can make things even worse.

    I believe this is why several of us suggested getting the problem HD in all by itself where any mistakes would only involve the one dirve.

    But from the BIOS info that you provided I am not sure whether it is the BIOS itself. Setting of same. Or the improper setup of the HD in the first place.

    If it is the HD then it can be fixed.

    If it is the BIOS then there maay be no fix.

    I do not like presenting bad news but in this sitituation we need to look at all possibilities. Can't just look at one place.

    Last edited: 2003/05/14
  9. 2003/05/14

    Lis171 Inactive Thread Starter

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    From what you posted, I hope it is the HD itself. I was thinking of calling DEll, in case it is the BIOS..to see if this is a known issue. This way..I could rule out anything else..and simply know it's just my motherboard (BIOS..the same?) that won't accept large HD's. Then again..if that was the case..why wouldn't it give me 20GB's at the most, instead of 7.82..since my C drive is recognized to it's full capacity?
  10. 2003/05/14

    Deloris Inactive

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    Man, I had a whole pot load of stuff typed to post, & when I went to copy it so I could paste it into the post, my @#$%$#&^*(&^ computer froze up. I both love & hate these critters. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!

    Anyway, I ain't gonna type it all again right now.


    I don't believe it is the BIOS version. On most Motherboards, even a 1999 BIOS version release will see 32GB of the 80. Yours is a 2000 version release according to Belarc. I also aggree that it is not a Windows issue. Never did think it was that. That is why I was against installing the fdisk hotfix. I think it is that the HD was not properly installed to begin with. Whover did it, didn't know as much as they thought they did. Probably the only way to find out for certain is to try what I said & make the slave the master, & disconnect the 20GB from the drive cable. Do the operations, put 80 back to slave, reconnect the 20, & boot her back up.

    If you get someone to do this for you, do not let them use the software that came with the hard drive to set it up. I suspect that was the problem to begin with. The person didn't know how to use the software, & besides that, for installing either a slave or, a master, if the BIOS is new enough, it is not necessary. Using the software to install it just in case the BIOS can't see it,, or because the drive manufacturer says to, is not the way to fly. Trying without it first is best, in my opinion, then if things aren't kosher, use it, but only use it if it is necessary. That's my Motto. As BB, & I have both said previously, if not used properly, that drive software can cause even more problems, such as the kind you are having. Have whoever does this for you, do it all from fdisk with the 98 floppy, and be sure they know what they are doing.:)

    Make sure your CMOS settings are set to Auto-Detect, & the boot sequence is set to A,C,CD. Or at least one with A,C, & whatever.

    Since you installed that hotfix, you will have to make a new 98 boot disk as per someone else's previous instructions, & use it as the boot disk. Personally, I would not have installed the hotfix. I didn't when I set up my 80GB, and all went fine. I would have tried it without it first. If it's not needed, and you can't know that for sure until you try it, then it shouldn't be installed.

    If you decide to get brave & try this on your own, there is probably someone who will be willing to walk you through it with instructions that you can print out, & follow. It's not as bad as it sounds. Someone who can remember the exact sequence of operations, remembering the fact that you will not be installing an OS to this drive. The sequence is not as lengthy, nor as difficult, for that as it is for one that will contain an OS.
    Last edited: 2003/05/14
  11. 2003/05/14
    BillyBob Lifetime Subscription

    BillyBob Inactive

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    I think one of the first things that should be done is to get some help from someone that is familiar with DELL machines.

    Tell him/her to get into the BIOS ( CMOS ) setup and make sure that the correct paramters for that drive are entered. They may have to be entered manually the first time. They should be on the instruction sheet or on the HD itself.

    Also I would make sure that the two drives are jumpered as Master and SLAVE and not cable select.

    Then make sure the machine is SHUTDOWN ( power off ) Then restart to see if the HD in question is shown correctly at the System Configuration screen..

    Also a question that has popped up in my mind.

    Do you have Norton Anti-Virus installed. If so there is a setting that inoculates the Master boot Record. ( I think this is a default setting a stupid one but, ) If this is true then the MBR may not be over written correctly.

    Once this area is fixed up then I think Windows will be OK also.

    Last edited: 2003/05/14
  12. 2003/05/14

    Deloris Inactive

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    Agreed! Getting help from someone who knows about Dells' would be a feather in your cap. Those of us not familiar with Dell can only help up to a point. Gives suggestions & possible causes.
    Agreed again!
    Once again, agreed!
    This is the boot up screen, right?

    Norton is nortorious for interfering with stuff, especially System Works. I had it once, & removed it all, except the Anti-Virus. It was constantly sticking it's nose into everything I tried to do, and messing up all kinds of stuff.

    I stand corrected, BB! Yes, this should all be done before switching jumpers, & etc. & trying to fdisk, & format the 80. Some of that I hadn't thought of. There are so many variables in any given situation that it's impossible for one person to think of them all. If something else is interfering instead of bad hard drive installation, it might can be fixed without re-doing the drive, but then again, it may require it after all.
  13. 2003/05/14

    Lis171 Inactive Thread Starter

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    I only have about 5 minutes, so I won't get lengthy with questions until I get home..but..one postitive thing to tell you, Deloris. I did a Goback revert to a time before I installed the fdisk patch, after realizing it was not the reason behind my problem. :) OH, and I did format my drive, if you read above, but I am assuming I only formatted 7.82GB's. Oh well..I tried.

    Anyway, I will BBL to post my gazillion q's. I was thinking of trying this myself, because I want to be able to get my computer to recognize all 80GB's without extra software. Installing extra software that really isn't necessary, only leads to issues and crashes eventually.

    One more thing, I like my Norton System Works..I have been using it for years, never a problem at all..BUT..in the case where you guys build your own puters and know your way around, I can see how it could get in the way. I think it's more suited for puter dummies such as myself LOL. BBS :)
  14. 2003/05/14
    BillyBob Lifetime Subscription

    BillyBob Inactive

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    This is the boot up screen, right?

    One of them yes. But Dell may be different.

    Norton is nortorious for interfering with stuff, **

    And it is not getting better. That is why I am finding alternatives.

    **There are so many variables in any given situation that it's impossible for one person to think of them all. **

    :( It also helps to have been in the same situation :(

    Your first guess as to who that was would very likely be correct. It took me the better part of a day to fix MY mistakes. It was a case of I thought I knew what I was doing. And I only had a 40gig drive.

    I think that the newer the Drive the more delicate they are.

  15. 2003/05/14
    BillyBob Lifetime Subscription

    BillyBob Inactive

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    I did like it.

    I used it for years also.

    No problems here either.

    No longer happy with it. It took getting rid of it to find out that it was causing problems for me. Not real problems but real slow at times. Norton is gone. Speed is back

    As Deloris stated. It is getting its nose WAY TOO deep into things where it does not belong.

  16. 2003/05/14

    Train Inactive

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    FDISK Partitioning guide they have some graphics that help.

    A good tutorial on fdisk

    You have a couple options as the 98SE fdisk is limited to 64GB, you can download the WinMe bootdisk from the link I posted earlier. Make the floppy, then boot to your 98 boot disk, then at the A:\> switch floppies, then run fdisk. Or you can copy fdisk off of the floppy to a folder in your computer, then switch to the 98 bootdisk, then r-click the fdisk you copy/pasted and select sendTo the floppy and say yes to over write the one on the floppy. Now that will be the easiest and fastest way to update fdisk so it will work with the 80GB hdd.

    Believe me until you update the 98 fdisk, it will not see the complete hdd.

    Now here is a tutorial on Bootdisks.
  17. 2003/05/14

    Deloris Inactive

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    And so is, XP, IE6, & Zone Alarm, & a few others, IMHO.

    Then how come mine did? I never used the fdisk hotfix update. Did I just get lucky somehow? Getting lucky is not like me!:rolleyes: If there's trouble to be had, It usually finds me.:D My life is a prime example of Murphy's Law.:D

    Oh well, Lis, use it or don't. It's your choice. If you don't, & find out you needed to, then you'll get some more practice.:D If you do use it, then I guess that would just be insurance.:)

    It is enormously satisfying to do these things yourself. Especially after you mess up a couple of times, then finally get it right. In that respect, you've learned what not to do.:D Learning to do it yourself keeps your friends, your friends, & keeps you out of rip-off repair shops too.
    Last edited: 2003/05/14
  18. 2003/05/14

    Deloris Inactive

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    Didn't work for me. Got page cannot be displayed.
  19. 2003/05/14
    BillyBob Lifetime Subscription

    BillyBob Inactive

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    I think what is needed right now is a good tutorial on BIOS ( CMOS ) And HD setup

    10xxxmb is just not right for an 80gig HD.

    IMHO also.

  20. 2003/05/14

    Train Inactive

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  21. 2003/05/14

    Deloris Inactive

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    Nope! It isn't. As I said before, I figure it was messed up with lots of it left as unalocated space when it got installed, & the unalocated space is not being seen by Windows, because it was not designated as an Extended Primary partition. Unalocated space is basically invisable space to Windows 98. And since System Works does see 74.??GB of it, it would seem that the BIOS does too, but the Standard CMOS settings may be interfereing with Window's ability to see it, and I agree that the CMOS needs to be checked thoroughly before anything else by someone familiar with Dell's. I also think that CMOS & fdisk Hard Drive setup is going to be the key ingredients here, as I've already said.

    Regardless of statements to the contrary, all I know is what my 98SE did & didn't do, when I installed my 80GB WITHOUT the fdisk hotfix update.

    I made it the master, booted into fdisk to see if fdisk would see the whole drive. It did! Right in there it said it saw almost 76GB of usable hard drive space, which is normal for a so-called 80GB. FDisk displays the disk size in MB's instead of GB's. I took the MB's it said it saw, & did the math. It came to almost 76GB. If fdisk will see it, it will format the whole thing too. After I did what I wanted to, to it, I made it the slave again, & windows saw every bit of that nearly 76GB, WITHOUT the fdisk update. From the way I read the whole thing about the fdisk update, it is to be used when it's proven that the fdisk you already have will not see the whole drive, & so that is why I did it the way I did. As I suspected, I didn't need it. Even my 98FE on a hidden Primary saw it all without an fdisk update.

    I am not saying that her fdisk will see the whole drive, but why not try it to see first, before putting something on there that may not be needed. It's a bit more trouble, but for me, I'd rather test it out first to see if I do need it. That's just me though. I firmly believe that if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Trying to fix something that may not be broke could very well break it.

    If I remember correctly, if there are any partitions on it already, they will have to be deleted before fdisk will give a true accounting of how much it actually sees of the whole drive.
    Last edited: 2003/05/14
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