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WindowsBBS Members who are Microsoft MVPs


Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Award The Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Award is "a worldwide award and recognition program that strives to identify amazing individuals in technical communities around the globe who share a passion for technology and the spirit of community. Microsoft MVP's are recognized for both their demonstrated practical expertise and willingness to share their experience with peers in Microsoft technical communities."

Several individuals who will do their best to assist you with any problems you might have using Windows, have been awarded this prestigious Microsoft award. They are (in alphabetical order):

Bill Bright Bright, Bill: Windows and Devices for IT MVP WindowsBBS Team Member.
Brian, Desmond Desmond, Brian: Enterprise Mobility MVP WindowsBBS Forum "Regular".

Past Award Recipients

Arie Slob Slob, Arie: Windows and Devices for IT MVP
WindowsBBS Forum Administrator & Owner.
WindowsBBS Forum moderator for: Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Server System, Web Applications & Cloud, and Mobile Devices.
Hank  Arnold Arnold, Hank: Consumer Security MVP
WindowsBBS Forum "Regular".
Carrona, John Carrona, John: Windows Experience MVP
WindowsBBS Forum "Regular".
Peter Clark Clark, Peter: Internet Explorer MVP
WindowsBBS Forum moderator for: Windows XP, Legacy Windows, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Mail, Secirity and Privacy, Other PC Software, and Hardware.
Salter, Nick: Windows Experience MVP
WindowsBBS Forum "Regular".
Shyam Sasindran Sasindran, Shyam: Windows Expert-IT Pro MVP
WindowsBBS Forum "Regular".
Tony Turrisi, Tony: Windows Desktop Experience MVP
WindowsBBS Forum moderator for: Networking (Hardware & Software).

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