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How long do SSDs last?

Discussion in 'PC Hardware' started by MrBill, 2024/08/16.

  1. 2024/08/16

    MrBill SuperGeek WindowsBBS Team Member Thread Starter

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  2. 2024/08/17

    Bill SuperGeek WindowsBBS Team Member

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    I really don't like articles like that. There are just too many variables. The very best hard drive could fail after 1 day of use too. Or last 10 years or longer. There is just no way to predict how long.

    What we do know, however, is all hardware will fail - eventually.

    So the real lesson that should be presented is for users to keep multiple backups of their data, preferably with at least one copy kept "off site", and to periodically make additional backups to ensure there are always "fresh" viable backups too. And use multiple technologies too. People learned the hard way that storing their family photos and important documents on floppy disks, for example, or their home movies on VCR tapes presented problems when their new computer had no floppy drive, or when they replaced their VCR players with DVD players.

    From the article,
    Huh? What definition says that?

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