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Unable to connect to DHCP, unable to renew IP, etc

Discussion in 'Networking (Hardware & Software)' started by mintcar99, 2004/10/06.

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  1. 2004/10/06

    mintcar99 Inactive Thread Starter

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    Hello. I've searched and searched this forum and some others trying to understand why I am having so much trouble with my connection. Here's what's going on:

    I have a Linksys wireless router that is hooked up to my cable modem. I've got a laptop (wireless) and 2 other desktops computers (Computer A, Computer B). Unfortunately, only the laptop and Computer A can connect to the internet. Computer B cannot seem to even communicate with the router.

    I've checked the cable and it's connected.. pinged and have succeeded. However... when I try to ping my IP, it times out. I've tried the ipconfig/release, ipconf/renew but it times out at renew with

    "an error occurred while renewing interface Local Area Connection: unable to contact your DHCP server. Request has timed out."

    I've tried the Netsh test... to reset my TCP/IP and that did not work. I've even uninstalled (via Regedit) and reinstalled TCP/IP but regardless of what I do, it keeps getting that 169.254.XXXX address.

    My router is set up as a DHCP Server to distribute IP addresses to the LAN network and all computers, including Computer B (the one with all the trouble) are configured to obtain an IP address/DNS server address automatically.

    I've reset the router... restored it to factory settings, reset the modem, unplugged the cables, reinstallled software... but whatever I do, I just cannot seem to connect with Computer B. I've even tried switching the connection ports (Computer A is LAN1, Computer B is LAN2)... but realized that Computer A can connect through both LAN1 AND LAN2 but computer B CANNOT!! How do you like that? STubborn *(&#(*&$.

    I am absolutely beyond patient and are short of hurling the computer out the window!!!!! Oh and I've also switched out network cards but still ended up getting the same problem. Please help!!! Thank you.

    P.S. all computers run on Windows XP Home Edition (Comp A is XP Pro). Any feedback would be greatly (believe me, GREATLY AND IMMENSELY) appreciated. Thank you!
  2. 2004/10/07

    maggie Inactive

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    Have you tried this? http://www.spychecker.com/program/winsockxpfix.html
    Maybe remove the nic uninstall the software if, reboot without it . Then shutdown and put the nic back maybe even another slot if it is PCI. Could be corrupted drivers.
    It could just be a bad ethernet card.
    Go into Device Manager (safemode) and show all hidden folders there might be ghost installs.

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  4. 2004/10/07

    mintcar99 Inactive Thread Starter

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    WINSOCK XP Fix did not work. :(

    I downloaded and tried Winsock XP Fix.. didn't work.. still the same unable to contact DHCP message...switched the PCI slots... uninstalled the device and even had windows search and reinstall it with drivers... still didn't work. what is going on? Is it the computer as a whole?

    It was working perfectly before.. but on another LAN...

  5. 2004/10/07

    maggie Inactive

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    I guess the only thing left is to replace the nic. Or check the Services, compare to your other computers. Something might have gotten turned off. DHCP seems to be started. When I saw 169.... I changed my nic. I tried a few things first. Device Manager said it was working. Apparently it wasn't.
  6. 2004/10/07

    Newt Inactive

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    Ping works so TCP/IP is installed and probably working correctly and the NIC is working at least as far as where it connects to the PC.

    IP is assigned as 169.154.x.x even though you have a DHCP server so the PC is absolutely not seeing the network.

    This usually points to a problem from the outbound port on the NIC to the inbound port on the switch if using wired so a hardware issue with either the NIC, switch port, or (usually) the cable.

    You mentioned that you have swapped the NICs and I think you have tried different switch ports. How about the cable?

    One question though - when you did the netsh reset did you specify a log file? If not the command runs but does nothing. It needs to be something like
    netsh int ip reset c:\netsh-resetlog.txt
  7. 2004/10/08

    mintcar99 Inactive Thread Starter

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    Hello! Yes, I did specify a log for the netsh reset.... could it really be the cable? Oh please don't tell me it's the cable. I connected the same cable to the laptop and everything worked fine. I will try swapping cables... thanks for your help, and I will let you know!
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