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iPhone Monitoring

Discussion in 'Mobile Devices' started by flynempire, 2015/11/23.

  1. 2015/11/23

    flynempire Well-Known Member Thread Starter

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    Hello to all. I want to ask something here that may be a bit controversial but I need to be able to secretly monitor what our daughter is doing on her iPhone.

    I am sure many of you on here are parents and get concerned with your child's well being also. I really don't like the violate anyone's privacy especially hers but in the last 2-3 months we can see a change.

    The phone is never out of her site and is non stop on it. Sometimes in the bathroom can be there for like an hour and I mean who needs an hour normally and there is no showering going, etc.

    I have never done this before and it makes me nervous what I would find. I know I can ask upfront for the phone and hand it over but I feel this is the best way with avoiding a conflict if possible which my wife does not want.

    I have visited websites that have software to monitor what goes on in the iPhone and they vary what they can do but for most you need to physically install the software on there.

    What I would like to know is the following.

    Is there software that can be placed there remotely without physical access?

    I have the iCloud credentials and when I login I can see contacts, some mail and Notes but no photos or videos. It is not being backed up so don't know if the software can truly monitor everything if not all is backed up with iCloud.

    Would like to also be able to see all the apps in there and find out if one of them is fake and encrypts what she sends out. That is something I saw lately on the news.

    Thank You
  2. 2015/11/23

    retiredlearner SuperGeek WindowsBBS Team Member

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    I feel for you when your kids spend all their time clutching an iPhone. I don't think there is any way other than installing software like Teamviewer. Unfortunately, that requires consent and agreement to connect.
    Apart from a friendly hacker (who would also see the content) I can't think of any way to access your daughters iPhone other than to have a heart to heart talk voicing your concerns about the time she is spending attached to the device.
    As parents we have to be concerned, but it does require very early setup of rules and regs regarding Personal Electronic Devices with children. Neil.

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  4. 2015/11/23

    MrBill SuperGeek WindowsBBS Team Member

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    If this was my kid, I would show her who the parent was by taking away the phone. She will get over it.
  5. 2015/12/14

    TonyT SuperGeek Staff

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    I hate to break it to you, but if you feel you must rely upon monitoring software to find out what your child is doing then you have long passed the point of effective parenting. Fear of a conflict is just plain nonsense. And if you are certain that a conflict will occur as a result of talking with a child then that means that a conflict is probably very needed, so long as you have the intention to bring joy and not pain.

    I say that with sincerity and I say that with no intention of being judgmental. I raised 3 kids successfully.

    The ONLY way to ensure a child's safety and morality is to communicate with him or her. It does not require a doctorate degree to sense and know when a child is being untruthful and hiding something.

    ALL children do things they know they are not supposed to do. When confronted, a child who does not wish his secrets found out will very very often become nervous, defensive and accuse you of doing something to him/her, like "violating privacy" or plead strongly for your trust.

    Don't buy the lies and enforce a system of rewards & penalties. If the kid's "stats" (schooling, chores, etc) are good then reward the kid, if the stats are down then enforce a penalty, e.g. yank the phone. YOU make the rules as long as a minor lives under your roof.

    If there's been a noticeable attitude change in the child then the time to confront him or her is immediately. Just talk it out patiently.
    Admin. likes this.

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