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Resolved How to Fail at Life!

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Evan Omo, 2009/01/06.

  1. 2009/01/06
    Evan Omo

    Evan Omo Computer Support Technician Staff Thread Starter

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    I have compiled a list of the many different ways people can fail at life. Enjoy!

    Please don't follow these rules.

    1. Have no goals and no standards.
    2. Have no organization or plans for achieving your goals or maintaining your standards.
    3. Have no prediction for the future. Refuse to ask question such as: What will happen if I allow this situation to continue as it is? What will happen if I continue to operate without a plan? What will happen if I do not follow through?
    4. Give in to fear, refuse to take risks or the initiative.
    5. Avoid doing the necessary work and/or fail to complete what you start.
    6. Refuse to change, grow or abandon self-defeating habits. Keep doing the same thing even though it does not provide the results you desire.
    7. Never take note of whom you admire or ask yourself why you admire them. (Is it their looks, personality, or what they do or represent?)
    8. Be mean, inconsiderate, uncouth so as to degrade others and yourself. Refuse to look at the consequences of your actions or the actions you inspire in others.
    9. Break your word and ignore deadlines.
    10. Alienate yourself from others. Stay remote and unconcerned.
    11. Deny the truth. Refuse to accept yourself for who you are and each situation for what it is.
    12. Never evaluate, correct yourself, or look for your strengths and weaknesses.
    13. Sulk, be negative, and stay moody over your mistakes. Never admit them, never learn how to manage your emotions. Let your emotions shove you around at will.
    14. Blame others for your failures. When a problem exists always point out that somebody ought to do something. Never admit that you are somebody.
    15. Do not express gratitude and appreciation to others.
    16. Abuse and waste your time.
    17. Always insist on immediate gratification.
    18. Lie, cheat, and act without moral consideration for others.
    19. Insist that you know it all and have nothing to learn.
    20. Ignore this list and assume that it does not apply to you.

    If you follow these twenty steps you will blow it every time. Think about every decision before you make it. ;)
    Last edited: 2009/01/07
  2. 2009/01/07

    m3ow Inactive

    Likes Received:
    OMFG! Evan Omo, this is a very great post you did.

    Now i realize i have the 1. to 6. problem and really need to sort that out fast.

    Would like to thank you much bro!

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  4. 2009/01/07
    Evan Omo

    Evan Omo Computer Support Technician Staff Thread Starter

    Likes Received:
    No Problem. :) Thanks for the complement.

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